The Benefits of Booking Early 

At this time of year, travel planners are probably encouraging you to book your 2024 student trip now.  Take note – booking at the start of the school year definitely has benefits for your trip.   

With early planning… 

  1. Your current students get a glimmer of what’s ahead!  Excitement builds and motivates students! 
  1. More time for fundraising and more time for your students’ families to budget for the trip means higher participation. 
  1. Your travel planner has more leverage to book hotels, buses, and attractions at a lower rate.  Waiting till closer to your travel date makes fewer choices available and can increase your trip costs. 
  1. Your group has a better shot in reserving the attractions that you want.  For example, Disney Imagination Campus offers wonderful workshops and performances in the parks, but many of the popular dates fill up a year in advance. 
  1. Your performing group has more rehearsal time and more time to prepare. 
  1. You get your first choice date and destination. 

Start planning and talking up the trip with your students now!  You have everything to win and nothing to lose!  Give us a call at 1-888-763-6786 to discuss ideas and destinations.  Let’s get started on a memorable trip for your program!